complete transport
High Speed Rail Delivers High Capacity Mobility Complementing Other Modes
hsr completes transportation
hsr Adds 'missing middle' mobility
As the nation contemplates major infrastructure investments, its important to look at the complete transportation system at all scales, and trip distances to direct investments to the areas that will have the most benefit, and improvement to overall mobility.
without hsr we get epic congestion
The two charts above compare a complete transportation system with the American incomplete system showcasing the problems when rail is missing. Without high speed rail, both aviation and highways end up overloaded resulting in epic congestion, endless delays, and constant cancellations - delivering high cost, low volume, inefficient transportation for America.
High speed offers an alternative to endless congestion and delays. High speed rail carries enormous capacity and is an integral part of a complete transportation system. A single HSR line transports up to 20,000 people per hour (more than a 10-lane freeway + an airport), without congestion, delays, cancellations, accidents, or weather problems.
The addition of HSR to America's transportation mix would remake it into a complete system. HSR fills the middle range of passenger trips in the 100-1,500 mile range, while shifting aviation to its most efficient range of passenger trips of 1,000 miles or longer, and cars covering their most efficient range under 100 miles.
This improves mobility across all transportation modes and gets America moving out of endless congestion and wasted time!
This improves mobility across all transportation modes and gets America moving out of endless congestion and wasted time!
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