high speed rail vision map
Bold National Vision for a Fast Rail Network Connecting America
national hsr network
hsr vision map
Our vision is for a 21st century, 17,000 mile national high speed rail system built in 4 phases. This new national system will revitalize our economy, reactivate our manufacturing sector, create millions of jobs, end our oil dependency, reduce congestion, create access to vast areas of affordable housing, and cut our carbon footprint by epic proportions. Powered by electricity, this system provides sustainable, affordable, safe mobility for all.
built in four phases
The map phasing follows the most logical sequence for a national system build out - starting with the largest cities in the busiest corridors and megaregions, then growing to connect those together across the country into one large network - much like our interstate highway system.
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Join the transportation revolution sweeping across America bringing the nation into the 21st century.
hsr is america's transportation solution
#1 climate solution
High speed rail is the single largest climate solution that can decarbonize most of our transportation network quickly. This includes replacing most domestic flights, up to half the car trips, and replacing the ecommerce shipment system currently using energy-intensive, cross-country trucks and airplanes. No other solution comes close to all this for solving climate change.
smart, efficient, modern
HSR is the most advanced transport mode on the planet! Trains are comfortable and fast, while also being clean, green and efficient - powered by electricity from renewables. You can't get much greener than that! On board you have all the luxuries with room to relax, USB and power plugs, movies, good food, and no need to put away your tray table or electronic devices.
oil-free transport
HSR is electrically powered and can run 100% on clean, safe renewable energy. One high speed train powered by the wind can carry more passengers than 9 oil-burning airplanes! America currently uses 20 million barrels of oil every day, most of it for transportation - so switching to oil-free high speed rail is a huge climate and energy security solution all in one.
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